• Dealing with Arthritis

    We've all seen the TV ads ─ nice-looking woman in her fifties, sitting on a nice sofa in a nice living room, rubbing her hands, in obvious pain. Of course, she's not Lady Macbeth, trying to rub off the imagined blood of her murdered husband. She's a woman with arthritis. According to the Center for

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  • Debunking Common Chiropractic Myths

    Have you been wondering if everything you've heard about chiropractic treatment is true? Check out these common myths.

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  • December Newsletter: Chiropractic Care for Hip Pain

    Got nagging hip pain? Chiropractic care could help.

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  • December Newsletter: Custom Orthotics Could Be What You Need to Fight Foot Pain

    Are your feet killing you? Orthotics could end your pain.

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  • December Newsletter: Healthy Eating Tips for the Holiday Season

    Worried about gaining weight during the holidays? The healthy eating tips will help you avoid piling on the pounds.

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  • December Newsletter: How Wearing High-Heeled Shoes Can Lead to Scoliosis

    Could wearing high heels lead to a painful back condition?

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  • Decompression

    Did you know that your spinal column's spongy intervertebral discs (IVDs) comprise 25% of this segmented structure's entire length? Did you know that an adult's spinal column is approximately 24-28 inches in length? A little quick math shows that the total height of your spinal discs is approximately

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  • Dehydration and Back Pain

    Dehydration has a variety of negative effects, but did you know it can also hurt your back?

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  • Desk Chair

    The basics of a healthy ergonomic workstation include a bio-mechanically correct chair to sit in. It is best if it's adjustable to support your unique height and curves. Humanscale offers a variety of seating options designed to keep you healthy and well while you are working. These products are an investment

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  • Detecting Ovarian Cancer

    While women are learning more and more about cervical cancer and its prevention, another "silent killer" remains relatively mysterious among doctors and patients alike. Ovarian cancer is only the seventh most common cancer among women, but it causes more deaths than any other cancer of the female reproductive

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  • Detective Story

    When Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes applied himself to a difficult case, he famously utilized his powers of deduction. Holmes assembled and examined the facts before him and employed a scientific method of analysis to arrive at a solution that took into account of all the elements of the

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  • Detox

    Every person should cleanse the system of toxins and let the digestive tract rest at least once each year. Cleansing is one of the most direct and effective ways to improve your overall health quickly. Free radicals and toxins can build up in your body over time and may cause fatigue, poor immune function,

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  • Diabetes and Obesity

    Like Scylla and Charybdis, the twin sea monsters of Greek mythology, diabetes and obesity are the twin medical monsters confronting America's children. Diabetes and obesity have even been featured as the story line in a recent episode of Law & Order, a show well-known for focusing on issues that matter.

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  • Do I Have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

    Many people believe they have carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). The majority have been told by their medical doctor that they have CTS. Others have mistakenly concluded that because they have some numbness and tingling in their wrist or hand, they must have this neurological disorder. Still others have ongoing

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  • Does Collagen Help With Joint Pain?

    Have you been wondering if collagen really works for joint pain?

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  • Does Your Pain Worsen During the Winter? Cold Weather May Be To Blame

    Struggling with a painful chronic condition? Winter weather may worsen your pain.

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Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • "When I relocated to Atlanta last year I hesitated to find a new chiropractor because I thought it would be a hassle. I wish someone would have told me about Dr. G right away. I felt at ease with him from the first visit."
  • "I was relieved when I found out that Dr. Gustafson has flexible care plans. As a father of four I did not want to be pressured into treatment I could not afford. I get my adjustments twice a month and I look forward to it. I sure can tell the difference since I became a patient."