• Don't Let Back Pain Get You Down This Summer; Chiropractic Can Help

    Spending too much time on the couch due to back pain this summer? Chiropractic treatment could help you salvage your summer.

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  • Don't Let Housework Be a Pain in Your Back

    Household chores can be a pain in the sacroiliac. Unless you're careful, routine activities around the home— washing dishes, vacuuming, even talking on the phone— can strain your back, including the sacroiliac area near the tailbone, and result in debilitating discomfort.

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  • Double Indemnity

    In the classic 1944 film noir, "Double Indemnity", insurance salesman Walter Neff (played by Fred MacMurray), gets into some pretty hot water involving his client (Barbara Stanwyck) and his co-worker (Edward G. Robinson). Neff tries to misuse the concept of double indemnity and he pays a heavy price.

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  • Drivers Education

    We all know someone who has suffered a serious driving-related injury that had nothing to do with being involved in a motor vehicle accident. For example, turning your head suddenly and swiftly for a last minute check of your "blind spot" before changing lanes on the interstate could result in a painful

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  • Drop-Table Technique

    Forceful spinal manipulation is not always necessary to treat conditions of the lower back, mid-back and neck. Gentle chiropractic treatment, such as drop table techniques, involves less powerful spinal maneuvering and slower, low-velocity movements that allow the affected joint to stay within its passive

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  • Dynamic Warm-ups

    In a common occurrence, you bend over to pick up the pencil you inadvertently dropped on the floor. Or you bend over to pick up the soap bar that has slipped through your fingers in the shower. Or you bend over to lift a bag of groceries out of your automobile trunk. These are all daily events. But on

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  • Eat Your Veggies!

    Kids don't have that strong a relationship to vegetables. Kids will go through the motions, pushing broccoli spears and lima beans around their plate a few times, but few veggies actually reach the inside of a kid's mouth. And yet, we want our kids to eat vegetables on a regular basis. The best way

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  • Ebb and Flow

    Ancient peoples closely observed and interacted with the rhythms of their immediate environment. The sun rose in the East and set in the West. Day followed night, and approximately 12 hours later night followed day. The seasons progressed through a more leisurely, although no less regular, rhythm. A

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  • Effective Diagnosis and Treatment of Low Back Pain

    Here's an all-too-common situation. You develop low back pain that lasts for more than a few days and you're uncomfortable enough to go see your primary care physician. He or she tells you it's not clear what's going on and sends you for a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study of your lumbar spine.

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  • Effectiveness & Popularity of Chiropractic Care

    A critical mass of recent surveys and studies document the fact that the public, and conventional health care providers and payers, have come to recognize that traditional medicine can't answer all of consumers' health care needs. In particular, more people are turning to chiropractic services. A

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  • Effects of Chiropractic Care

    Wellness requires you to be a proactive agent for your body. You need to treat it well and not wait until you hurt before you decide to take care of it. As we've said before health is not merely the absence of disease any more than wealth is an absence of poverty. Let's remember health is not simply

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  • Electrotherapy and Pain Relief

    Has pain taken over your life? Electrotherapy offers a natural pain management solution.

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  • Enhance Your Balance and Coordination with Chiropractic

    Having trouble keeping your balance? Call the chiropractor!

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  • Enjoy the Health Benefits of Massage Therapy and Chiropractic

    Want to improve your health? Massage therapy and chiropractic treatment may offer the perfect solution.

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  • Entropy, the Gym, and You

    Let’s say you’ve been taking some time off from the gym. Maybe you reached the end of your 12-week training cycle and you’re taking a week off. It’s possible that one week turns into two or even three or four weeks. Life happens, you need to attend to some pressing matters, and going to the gym

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  • Erasing Migraines: An M.D. Turns to Chiropractic

    Stress, sleep deprivation and fatigue have been no small component of Dr. Michael Benson’s life. As a fetal surgeon, Benson is often up for 24- to 36-hour stretches at a time looking after patients. He has little time to rest or eat regular, healthy meals. It’s no wonder he has

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Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • "When I relocated to Atlanta last year I hesitated to find a new chiropractor because I thought it would be a hassle. I wish someone would have told me about Dr. G right away. I felt at ease with him from the first visit."
  • "I was relieved when I found out that Dr. Gustafson has flexible care plans. As a father of four I did not want to be pressured into treatment I could not afford. I get my adjustments twice a month and I look forward to it. I sure can tell the difference since I became a patient."