• Time's Arrow

    As we get older, most of us begin to experience the acceleration of the passage of time. The sensation of time passing gets faster and faster, until for many of us weeks begin to feel like days and months begin to feel like weeks. This is very disconcerting and we'd like to be able to slow things down.

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  • Tips for Avoiding Yard Work Pain and Injury

    Does your back, knees or neck hurt every time you work in the yard? These tips could help prevent aches and pains.

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  • Tips for Good Hip Health

    Having a pair of healthy hips is a key to healthy aging. But healthy hips are not only important for people in their 60s, 70s, and beyond. Your hips are one of your most important structural components, regardless of how old you are. Whether you're 20, 30, or 40, your hip joints provide biomechanical

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  • Tips for Safe and Healthy Travel

    Here come the holidays - Thanksgiving, Channukah, Christmas, and New Year's. And the travel - Thanksgiving is one of the biggest travel days and the day before Christmas is just as busy. If you're flying, you know what to expect - long lines, delays, crowded flights. But knowing what's to come doesn't

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  • To Lift or Not to Lift?

    If a great Shakespearean protagonist had, anachronistically, joined a gym, his internal existential inquiry might have been, "To lift or not to lift?". Many centuries later, the identical inquiry, or controversy, persists. Joining a gym (health club) usually implies the new club member is going to engage

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  • Today's Fashion Can Be Tomorrow's Pain

    Looking your best might not always be the best thing for you. Today's society is extremely fashion and style conscious. Unfortunately, clothing designers and stylists aim to please by creating unique looks that might not always be practical or even comfortable. The look of the season

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  • Too Much Tech Could be Causing Your Neck Pain

    Wondering why your neck hurts? Your tech habits could be the reason.

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  • Top Three Fitness Tips from the World of Dance

    Professional dancers are a pretty select group. These elite athletes are arguably among the fittest people in the world. Dance training provides flexibility, strength, speed, and agility - qualities of which we'd all like to have more. As a result, the dancer's experience provides lifelong guidance for

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  • Top Two Tips for Reaching Your Normal Weight

    It's well-known that one-third of American adults are overweight and an additional one-third are obese.1 In addition, 17% of U.S. children and adolescents are obese.2 Worldwide statistics are similar. These facts are strongly associated with ongoing epidemics in diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Diabetes

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  • Travel Can Be a Pain In Your Back

    Traveling can be rough on the body. Whether you are traveling alone on businessor on your way to a sunny resort with your family, long hours in a caror an airplane can leave you stressed, tired, stiff and sore."Prolonged sitting can wreak havoc on your body," says Dr. Scott Bautch, immediate past president

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  • Treat Your Joint Pain With Chiropractic Care

    Are you looking for a natural way to control your joint pain?

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  • Treating Work Injuries With Chiropractic

    Are you eager to get back to work after an on-the-job injury? Chiropractic treatment can help.

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  • Treating Your Shin Splints with Chiropractic Care

    Does shin splint pain keep you on the sidelines far too often? Chiropractic care can help you get back on your feet.

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  • Trigger Points and Pain

    Trigger points are persistent, localized muscle spasms that can cause a great deal of pain. Trigger points alone may be responsible for many cases of neck pain, upper back pain, and lower back pain. This relationship is fairly common knowledge among physicians who treat pain, including chiropractors,

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  • Triple Axel

    Mao Asada, Silver Medalist in Ladies Figure Skating at the 2010 Winter Olympics, landed three triple axels in the competition, a feat no competitor had done before. There are no easy figure skating jumps, spins, or technical elements, but the triple axel is particularly difficult. This jump has many

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  • Turn Your Medicine Chest into a First-Aid Cabinet

    Many people have medicine chests in their bathroom, small shelving units filled with bottles of pills, capsules, and tablets. Others, instead, have first-aid and personal grooming cabinets in their bathrooms, containing rows of bandages, tubes of antiseptic, rubbing alcohol, and adhesive tape, as well

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Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • "When I relocated to Atlanta last year I hesitated to find a new chiropractor because I thought it would be a hassle. I wish someone would have told me about Dr. G right away. I felt at ease with him from the first visit."
  • "I was relieved when I found out that Dr. Gustafson has flexible care plans. As a father of four I did not want to be pressured into treatment I could not afford. I get my adjustments twice a month and I look forward to it. I sure can tell the difference since I became a patient."